This unit considers emerging business issues and the complexity of the management function. These include major shifts in environmental, economic and social conditions that will impact organisations over coming decades. This market dynamism is a double-edged sword presenting ever evolving opportunities but also potential threats to organisational success and viability. These compound the management challenges relating to increasing internationalisation, intensifying competition, growing management accountability, tight liquidity, as well as increasing recognition of the need for sustainable business practises. Managers therefore need frameworks to assist with the constant scanning of the business environment, in order to spot pertinent issues and respond to emerging trends as early as possible. Using a constructive learning sequence and current case studies the unit provides advanced understanding of contemporary global megatrends, emerging issues, as well as some of the latest business research areas.
Students will critically investigate these complex issues, identify and explore the available literature and apply concepts to real world scenarios to develop plans to leverage opportunities and/or mitigate any potential negative business impacts.