1.   | Apply knowledge and understandings of central concepts, modes of enquiry and content relevant to the teaching and learning of Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) with an emphasis on incorporating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures and recognizing the diversity and impact of colonization on First Nations peoples |
2.   | Critically reflect on the Australian Curriculum, current literature and theories of learning and teaching to develop conceptual ideas of pedagogical content knowledge that include cultural safety and the positive impacts of engaging with First Nations communities and families. |
3.   | Apply knowledge and use of a broad range of strategies to assess educational achievement of learning outcomes, building on students' pedagogical content knowledge and skills emphasizing the importance of cultural responsiveness and the integration of perspectives from diverse groups. |
4.   | Design student learning experiences, including the integration of digital technologies, literacy and numeracy to promote critical thinking in the context of Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS). |
5.   | Implement effective communication and questioning skills to facilitate learner inquiry into subject content applicable to Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) incorporating strategies that reflect an understanding of cultural diversity, positionality, and the need for ongoing intercultural development. |
6.   | Construct Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) resources and other teaching materials that engage learners with the knowledge and skills required to participate successfully with a specific focus on creating an inclusive learning environment that acknowledges and values the contributions and perspectives of First Nations peoples and caters to the cultural diversity of students. |