1.   | Critical review of the Australian Curriculum: English as social communicative practice in the context and significance of English literacy and literacy capability for subject-specific learning. |
2.   | Design learning experiences that support students' literacy capability to read, view and listen to comprehend meaning, to speak, write and use images to compose meanings, and to engage with meanings from different perspectives, in order to use informative, imaginative and persuasive genre for learning. |
3.   | Critically analyse theories, policies, research, and data informing current models of literacy pedagogy, including their implications for the teaching, learning and assessment of diverse literacy learners in classrooms. |
4.   | Critically reflect to extend personal and professional knowledge of key concepts and metalanguages related to literacy, pedagogy, genre, grammar, discourse, and curriculum |
5.   | Apply teaching and assessment strategies supporting individual and collaborative engagements for positive and productive learning and planning related to literacy education, including the design of literacy development for diverse learners Years 3 to 6. |
| | Assessment Task | Value (of total mark) | Related Learning Outcome/s |
1.   | Presentation (10 minutes) | 20% | - 1 - Critical review of the Australian Curriculum: English as social communicative practice in the context and significance of English literacy and literacy capability for subject-specific learning.
- 2 - Design learning experiences that support students' literacy capability to read, view and listen to comprehend meaning, to speak, write and use images to compose meanings, and to engage with meanings from different perspectives, in order to use informative, imaginative and persuasive genre for learning.
2.   | Portfolio 1 (2,000 words) | 40% | - 1 - Critical review of the Australian Curriculum: English as social communicative practice in the context and significance of English literacy and literacy capability for subject-specific learning.
- 2 - Design learning experiences that support students' literacy capability to read, view and listen to comprehend meaning, to speak, write and use images to compose meanings, and to engage with meanings from different perspectives, in order to use informative, imaginative and persuasive genre for learning.
- 3 - Critically analyse theories, policies, research, and data informing current models of literacy pedagogy, including their implications for the teaching, learning and assessment of diverse literacy learners in classrooms.
- 4 - Critically reflect to extend personal and professional knowledge of key concepts and metalanguages related to literacy, pedagogy, genre, grammar, discourse, and curriculum
- 5 - Apply teaching and assessment strategies supporting individual and collaborative engagements for positive and productive learning and planning related to literacy education, including the design of literacy development for diverse learners Years 3 to 6.
3.   | Portfolio 2 (2,000 words) | 40% | - 1 - Critical review of the Australian Curriculum: English as social communicative practice in the context and significance of English literacy and literacy capability for subject-specific learning.
- 2 - Design learning experiences that support students' literacy capability to read, view and listen to comprehend meaning, to speak, write and use images to compose meanings, and to engage with meanings from different perspectives, in order to use informative, imaginative and persuasive genre for learning.
- 3 - Critically analyse theories, policies, research, and data informing current models of literacy pedagogy, including their implications for the teaching, learning and assessment of diverse literacy learners in classrooms.
- 4 - Critically reflect to extend personal and professional knowledge of key concepts and metalanguages related to literacy, pedagogy, genre, grammar, discourse, and curriculum
- 5 - Apply teaching and assessment strategies supporting individual and collaborative engagements for positive and productive learning and planning related to literacy education, including the design of literacy development for diverse learners Years 3 to 6.