1.   | Describe key historical events and reflect on how the past influences modern Australian society. |
2.   | Explain some of the key ideas that have shaped Australia such as democracy, equality and human rights |
3.   | Demonstrate an understanding of key Australian Institutions |
4.   | Critically reflect on how key events, ideas and institutions shape the experiences of people in Australia, particularly in relation to culture, identify, privilege and inequality |
5.   | Develop and demonstrate independent learning, collaboration and communication skills through active participation in tutorial discussions, student led learning seminars and group collaboration tasks. |
6.   | Plan, undertake and present basic research at a pre-university level |
| | Assessment Task | Value (of total mark) | Related Learning Outcome/s |
1.   | Presentation 10 mins | 10% | |
2.   | Written Reflection 600 words | 20% | |
3.   | Participation and Preparation Activities (equivalent to 800 words) | 10% | |
4.   | Student Led Seminar (40min) | 20% | |
5.   | Inquiry Based Project Part A - 500 words | 10% | |
6.   | Inquiry Based Project ¿ Final Submission ¿ 1500 words | 30% | |