1.   | Identify the significant concepts, themes, and issues in the study of comparative legal systems. |
2.   | Locate and effectively use the primary and secondary sources relevant to research on issues in the area of comparative law. |
3.   | Identify, describe, evaluate, and manipulate the concepts central to critical thinking about issues in the area of comparative law. |
4.   | Develop a nuanced comprehension of the various perspectives on issues in the area of comparative law and the relative strengths and weaknesses of those perspectives. |
5.   | Extend the acquired learning and comprehension into the analysis of other issues in law and related disciplines. |
6.   | Communicate the acquired learning and comprehension in ways that are accessible and persuasive to legal and non-legal audiences. |
| | Assessment Task | Value (of total mark) | Related Learning Outcome/s |
1.   | Research Proposal: a 750 - 1,500 word research proposal, submitted for approval by the instructor, with revision as required. | 10% | |
2.   | Research Paper: a 6,000 - 8,000 word research paper consistent with the approved research proposal. | 80% | |
3.   | Oral Presentation: all students will be required to conduct a brief (15 minute) oral presentation summarizing the conclusions reached in the student's research paper, which will include a question and answer session with classmates and the instructor. | 10% | |