1.   | Presentation: policy case study (individual work, Oral, 10 minutes) | 15% | - 1 - Develop an understanding of environmental policy, policy frameworks and their role in the use and management of natural resources.
- 2 - Review and synthesise knowledge of historical environmental policy trends and dynamics in Australia, in the context of selected international trends.
- 3 - Review and critically evaluate the application of an environmental policy framework and instruments to various case studies.'
2.   | Essay: What is environmental policy (individual work, 1200 words) | 15% | - 3 - Review and critically evaluate the application of an environmental policy framework and instruments to various case studies.
- 4 - Interpret the implications of policy for government, companies and agencies working with natural resources.'
3.   | Research Review: Policy case study (individual work, 2500 words) | 40% | - 3 - Review and critically evaluate the application of an environmental policy framework and instruments to various case studies.
- 4 - Interpret the implications of policy for government, companies and agencies working with natural resources.'
4.   | Briefing Paper: Policy case study (individual work, 1000 words) | 30% | - 4 - Interpret the implications of policy for government, companies and agencies working with natural resources.
- 5 - Prepare a policy briefing for clients and agencies (decision-makers; e.g. in government).'