1.   | Report (1500 words) | 15% | - 3 - Students will become familiar with Australian native plant diversity and develop identification skills.
- 4 - Students will become familiar with vertebrate fauna diversity and develop the skills to be able to identify vertebrate taxa.
- 5 - Students will further develop biological scientific investigation skills including the development of hypotheses, data acquisition from taxonomic and other literature sources and the use of tables, graphs and drawings to correctly present data and its analysis in well written reports.
2.   | Written assignment (2000 words) | 20% | - 1 - Recognise ecosystem types across Australia, their characteristic flora and fauna taxa, and environmental determinants of those ecosystem types.
- 2 - Understand how Australian ecosystems relate to international biomes with a focus on tropical communities.
- 3 - Students will become familiar with Australian native plant diversity and develop identification skills.
- 4 - Students will become familiar with vertebrate fauna diversity and develop the skills to be able to identify vertebrate taxa.
3.   | Animal and plant identification and biodiversity practical exercises (6 class submissions, which may consist of drawings, worksheets, ID exercises or paragraph responses for a total of 20 pages) | 25% | - 1 - Recognise ecosystem types across Australia, their characteristic flora and fauna taxa, and environmental determinants of those ecosystem types.
- 3 - Students will become familiar with Australian native plant diversity and develop identification skills.
- 4 - Students will become familiar with vertebrate fauna diversity and develop the skills to be able to identify vertebrate taxa.
- 5 - Students will further develop biological scientific investigation skills including the development of hypotheses, data acquisition from taxonomic and other literature sources and the use of tables, graphs and drawings to correctly present data and its analysis in well written reports.
4.   | Online exam (2 hours) | 40% | - 1 - Recognise ecosystem types across Australia, their characteristic flora and fauna taxa, and environmental determinants of those ecosystem types.
- 2 - Understand how Australian ecosystems relate to international biomes with a focus on tropical communities.
- 5 - Students will further develop biological scientific investigation skills including the development of hypotheses, data acquisition from taxonomic and other literature sources and the use of tables, graphs and drawings to correctly present data and its analysis in well written reports.